Home Builders Association of Northeast Louisiana
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Ph: 318-387-6795 | FX: 318-325-0306 | info@hbanela.com
3105 DeSoto Street Monroe, LA 71201
Site Designed by NMY
Our association has been asked to supply 3 Judges for the Area I, Future Farmers of America Carpentry Program. This year students will be building a swing with a fold down armrest. Judging is based items such as how well plans were followed, precision of measurements and cuts, assembly, and overall appearance.
We currently have 3 judges (Larry Hott, Jon McCartney, and Foy Gadberry) scheduled for this event but spectators are welcome.
Winning teams from this competition go on to compete in the State Competition on Oct. 4th at the Evacuation Center at LSUA in Alexandria. They will also need 1 Judge for this event.